Owing thanks to GLOG discord user Eos of Dawn for her excited description of a class in Pathfinder, the tabletop roleplaying game system of her invention and some fame, and GLOG discord user Vivanter for keeping the idea of the assassin in the noosphere.
Class: Banshee
Should the whole frame of Nature round him break,In ruin and confusion hurled,He, unconcerned, would hear the mighty crack,And stand secure amidst a falling world.
Tools of the Trade
- Smoke fusee. Eight inches long, inch and a half diameter. May be struck against any rough surface to ignite, upon which it produces a match-like flame and enough opaque smoke to completely obscure anything more than 5' away through it in a 30' radius for sixty seconds. The smoke may linger longer in confined spaces, prove harmful to breathing creatures in such spaces, or be shifted or dispersed by strong wind. When crafting a smoke fusee, you may specify the color of the smoke. 1/3 slot each.
- Turn-off pistol. Large flintlock, breech-loading but in a slightly inconvenient manner. Takes only a mere five combat rounds to reload, and may be concealed like a small flintlock with the barrel unscrewed. A medium (1d10) weapon with a 30' range increment, 1 slot.
- Ten cartridges. Waxed paper, in a nice waterproof leather case. 1 slot.
- Misericorde. A light (1d6) twelve-inch spike afficed to a six-inch handle, with cruciform guard. 1/3 slot.
- Reversible coat. Nondescriptly dark on one side to blend into shadows and mobs, and formally appointed on the other to blend into high society. Long enough to obscure anything worn beneath. 2 slots carried, no slots worn.
- Empty bottle. Dark green glass, square cross-section, rounded shoulder, about 13 fluid ounces, no label. 1/3 slot.
- Sealing wax. Three sticks, in classic dark red. Negligible weight/bulk.
- Signet ring. Marks you as a member of⸻or any message you seal with it as sent by⸻the blackbeards, as your order is known colloquially. No one will consider that it might be stolen, because who would dare impersonate one. No slots.
- Writ of Passage. Marks you as an important servant of the Royal court, not to be deterred. A convincing fake, though detectable to the discerning and informed. 1 slot.
- Noble cloak. High-quality ermine. Worth 20 GP, and grants +1 reaction among those impressed by wealth. 2 slots carried, no slots worn.
- Catspaw. A sturdy twelve-inch crowbar, for prying and light demolition. A medium (1d6+STR) weapon, 1 slot.
- Climbing harpoon. Impractically barbed for combat, but equally useful as a grapnel. A light (1d6+STR) weapon, 1 slot, can occupy the same slot as a rope if tied to one.
- Thief's rope. 100' of high-strength black silk, invisible in darkness, completely silent, completely illegal in all jurisdictions. 1 slot.
- Trick hipflask. Contains two chambers, accessing one by default and the other only when manipulated in a specific way which is difficult to distinguish by onlookers. Holds about five fluid ounces in the main chamber and one in the secret, 1/3 slot.
- Codebook. Allows you to encrypt or decrypt secret messages, if you know the cipher key. 1/3 slot.
- Devil's Talons. A inch-cubic cake of strongly-scented, strongly-flavored herbal poison. If ingested, the victim's skin is entirely covered in catlike scratches, they take 4d6 damage, and must roll STR or die. 1 dose, 1/3 slot including the small wooden box it came in.
- Rubber mask. Depicting a local politician, including a high-quality wig. Very realistic, difficult to identify as a mask even if obviously not your identity. 1 slot carried, no slots worn.
- Wax fiddler. The size and shape of a large cricket, bound in gold wire. Upon unbinding will record 24 hours of audio, then immediately begin playing back 24 hours of audio, then perish. 1/3 slot.
- Forced-exit bag. Airtight, opaque black, just slightly too robust to bite through with average human teeth. Sturdily drawstringed and lined with velvet to muffle sound. 1 slot.
- Something weird, roll 1d6:
- Misery portrait. Fixed photographic plate of a short young woman with a square jaw standing in a cluttered family room, labeled 'MOMENTS BEFORE DISASTER'. Causes function-obliterating sorrow to you when glanced at, roll CHA or do nothing but consider it and weep for 1d6 hours. Doesn't have the same effect on anyone else. Negligible weight/bulk.
- Braincloak. Stops your thoughts from getting wet. 1 slot carried, no slots worn.
- Zwba'ah's Primer on Elemental Law. A handy reference text, grants advantage on related checks while holding it open in one hand. 1 slot, dedicated:
SHOULD CARE? - Universal antidote. 3 drops in tiny opaque black bottle. Each drop immediately explodes all poison in whatever liquid or body it enters. Negligible weight/bulk.
- TO DENY SEVEN, whispers name when drawn. A medium (1d8+STR) broadsword of mulberry, with undecorate yew-wood handle and text proclaiming the wielder to be diplomatically immune etched on the blade. When drawn, wielder jumps exactly six seconds forward in time (i.e. disappears for a round). Returns to hand when thrown. 1 slot.
- Camera occulta. Eight-inch-to-a-side cubic cardboard box with opaque jade lens and openable top. Displays, on the rear wall of the box, a mirrored, color-inverted image of the (DM's best guess of the) eventual corpse of any living person the lens is pointed at. 2 slots.