Tuesday, January 14, 2025

And Death Appeared To Endorse Us (Dungeon Adventure)

wow it's been a while, huh

Here's the dungeon I wrote these rules to test. If I had infinite ability, I'd like to trim down the verbose room descriptions a bit and lay it out in a nice PDF⸻but in my present decrepitude which has lasted, now, these many years...I am forced to contend with the fact that doing so would be impossible to me.

This dungeon is set in Hell, after the disastrous (or successful? I don't think the dungeon has much of an opinion either way) Hell Campaign fought by the Hobgoblin Legions.

This dungeon is not designed with particular care towards "balance" and thus, or perhaps despite thus, ought to be broadly compatible with most elfgames.

There is a lot of treasure in this dungeon but a fair bit of it is very bulky. Parties who adventure without hirelings and carts may need to stack stuff by the entrance and come back with a wagon.

I am proud of this dungeon and I think you should run it and tell me how it goes.

click for dungeon